Cad Support

We carry on working with Autocad as it has been the most used software for decades in the industry.

For decades Autocad has been the most used software in the construction industry. Many companies, organizations and people still have it as a main software. We offer our clients the option to carry on working with it. BIM 3D model can be exported to cad as well as layouts.


Over 12 years experience working on building sites taking active part in the coordination and construction process, providing BIM and cad services to engineering, retail and architectural sectors in Europe and America.


Our approach to quality assurance is both thorough and intrinsic in all that we do. Our production office is ISO 9001:2015 certified and is accredited by URS.


Our unique operational structure and a global network of offices ensures efficient production methods and cost-effective pricing plans are passed on to our customers.

All in one

The internal training scheme provided to our staff allows us to be (vanguard) at the forefront when using the latest software and apps. A team of Architects and Engineers certified by Autodesk is available to share their knowledge.


BIM Modelling, BIM Coordination, Rendering, Walks Through & Virtual Reality, Visualization, Fabrication, Scanning, Cad